Escape the chatbot agency owner rat race... 

Discover how smart agency owners are tripling their rates while doing LESS work and landing more ideal clients

“Start a chatbot agency!” they said!

“It’s easy and profitable!” they said!

Yeah, that isn’t always the case as you may have run into when trying to start & grow your chatbot agency…

You might have gotten a few clients, but not the high paying ones you’ve dreamed of.

You might have boosted your income a bit, but not the massive increase you wanted.

Everything you’ve tried so far to grow your chatbot agency hasn’t panned out how you want it…

And it all comes down to one MAJOR concept:

You’re not targeting and closing deals with people who highly value (and pay) for your services.

You don’t know who to target, where to find them, or how to get a meeting.

You’ve tried to raise your prices, but broke prospects keep you feeling like your rates - LOW.

The low-ticket client rat race kills more agencies than anything else.

EVEN if you have skills.

EVEN if you have some clients.

EVEN if you’re setup to get them results.

Bottom line is, if you target the wrong clients - you will get paid anywhere between 10-20% of your true market value…

(Yes, that means you might have the potential to confidently charge 5-10X your current rates!)

Lemme tell you a story about a past client of mine that was a total headache.

Let's call him "Joe".

Joe was a mess. 

Literally - he had a service that hauled JUNK.

I started working with him early in my chatbot career, and only charged $500 a month.

He kept crossing the line over and over, both personally and professionally…

Scope creep - adding more items in like website tweaks, fb ads, and branding stuff.

Personally, calling me to complain about his life and how miserable he was.

I was putting up with ALL of that BS for a measly $500 a month because I thought I didn’t have any better options…

All the time, energy, and resources that PIA client took from me, could’ve been spent elsewhere…

It took me long enough, but I finally fired his ass and moved on.

Taking that leap out of low ticket overwhelming clients like “Joe”,
created the mental space and time to pursue bigger opportunities.

But I was stuck with a HUGE problem…

How can I take my skills, and put them to use where people truly value them the most?

Like… how can I charge someone 5-10X what I charged “Joe” for less work, and keep them happy and paying month over month while I’m at it?

If I could do that… that means one client is worth $60k for the year, instead of $6k.

Let that sink in for a second… 10X the value to my business, but only IF i could put the pieces together and target the right clients.

That became my mission - to identify those golden niches, and pinpoint EXACTLY where to find them, what to offer, how to keep them happy, and make sure it wasn’t 10X the work too…

Less than a year later, my chatbot agency was making well into 6 figures and I had a roster of dream clients that paid great rates, didn’t call me with their personal BS, and didn’t ask for me to do SEO and other stuff on their site (that I never signed up for!!)

This switch changed absolutely everything in my life…

I was able to quit my full time job, go ALL IN with the agency, get out of debt, and continuously grow my agency and create more freedom in my life.

Heck, I even bought a boat for me and my family to ride around in! WOOHOO!

Listen, there’s TWO types of chatbot agency owners… 

The first type is like a “FLY TRAP”!
This type sits around, and hopes something literally crawls in its mouth so they can eat.

A plant that doesn’t pursue what it wants. It just kinda sits there, hoping for the best.

MOST agency owners sit there and hope for referrals, and end up with unqualified prospects that can’t pay their rates, or want some custom low ball package with a bunch of random bells and whistles you don’t want to deliver. Sound about right?

Or you DO work with them (just like the junk hauler guy) and it ends up sucking up all your time, energy, and resources for a low fee every month…

The “Fly Trap” agency owners are in a consistent feast & famine cycle, with very little feasting.
Ups, downs, but mostly downs as they let life guide who comes into their business.

There’s no progress. No scaling. No $ for team or investments. No freedom.

The “Fly Trap” agency owner is stuck, planted, and continues hoping for the best.

PSA: “HOPE” is not a marketing strategy if you’re taking your business seriously...

On the OTHER hand… Agency owner type 2 is like A LION! 

The “Lion” is a hunter who gets to pick their ideal meal, eat what they want, and pursues it full force.

Lions don’t scavenge. They eat the biggest meals on the savannah that feed them for weeks.

They definitely don’t eat flies like the “Fly Trap”.

And they don’t wait for it to come to them.

They know exactly how to get what they want, when they want.

For the ‘Lion” agency owner, they’re on the hunt for the big wins and know exactly who to go after, how to close the deals, and how to show up confidently to attract those ideal clients in.

Really, the “Lion” VS the “Fly Trap” is all about mindset...

You have the decision every single day to let life happen TO YOU,

Or to go after what you want most and EAT!
The problem is, most people don’t know how to BECOME the “Lion”, and end up staying stuck, planted, broke, and unhappy as the “Fly Trap” that only eats bugs…
A lot of agency owners I talk to get stuck with the same things:
  • Not knowing how to pick a profitable niche
  • Not having a reliable prospecting & sales system
  • ​Not being confident enough to charge top dollar 
  • ​Not knowing what services to deliver that you can charge more for
  • Not being able to explain the VALUE of chatbots to your prospects 
  • ​​Feeling stuck in the hamster wheel of 1 off, low paying clients 
ALL of these are a recipe for disaster, slow (if any) growth, and misery.
Sometimes it gets so bad, people feel like just giving up and going back to a job, or pursuing some other business opportunity.
If you’re showing up like a “Fly Trap” and not feeling like a “Lion” - it’s only a matter of time until you quit, feeling like you wasted all that time, energy, and progress chasing something that never happened…

I want to help you become the LION, in record time so YOU can be in control of your pipeline, your prospects, your profit, and the future of your agency and how it impacts your life. 

Let’s face it… you can’t continue operating how you have been forever, right?

Radical changes need powerful solutions…  

And after hearing your feedback over and over again that these are the things holding you back, I decided to create a unique, powerful training experience with a proven roadmap to take you from “Fly Trap” to “Lion” in no time.

It’s called the Get Chatbot Clients Masterclass, and is designed to do one simple thing:

Get you more chatbot clients consistently, at premium rates.  

If that sounds like something you want, then you’re in the right place.

Here’s what the Get Chatbot Clients Masterclass includes: 

Part 1: “Easy A” Chatbot Niches - what types of clients you need to work with to get quick and easy wins for BOTH you and the client. 

These clients are easier for you to sell to AND easier for you to get results for. 

It’s a win win.

Part 2: Stupid-Simple Outreach - You don’t have to be a sales wizard to know how to confidently connect with your ideal prospects and sell them on your services. 

I know I wasn’t. 

But that didn’t stop me from figuring out how to showcase exactly how valuable my chatbot services could be for my prospects - and I’ll give you all of the details on my stupid simple method for doing this.

Part 3: Closing With Confidence - It can feel really difficult to explain the value of chatbots to business owners. But it doesn’t have to be. If you can show your worth that’s half the battle, and I give you my simple “secret” method to get clients asking you to close them because they see the value in what you have to offer.

This alone will help you replicate the results I got scaling my agency to consistent 5-figure months and is worth at least $997.

But that's not all...

What’s an offer without some bonuses right?

Bonus #1: Client Acquisition Bot Template (Value $397): You can use this for your clients - but in this masterclass it’s all about using it for your own agency to get clients.

Bonus #2: Easy Onboarding Method (Value $397): Onboarding is the most important part of closing a new client, because it sets you up to get success for that client and get them referring other people to you. Which is why I’m also going to help you ask the best onboarding questions to make sure your chatbot builds are incredible and start that referral frenzy.

Bonus #3: Sample Proposal ($197): Use this proven proposal in your client acquisition strategy to change potential clients into actual clients.

Bonus #4: Sample Statement of Work ($197): Like the Sample Proposal, use this proven Statement of Work document to show the value of your services to a potential client to get them to agree and sign as a new client!

ALL this is a total value of $2,185, but for the pilot program, I wanted to hook up early adopters big time.


I realized this program can literally 3-10x someone’s rates and add 5 or even 6 figures to an agency over the next year, so it’s worth at least $1,791 if they actually put it to use.

Seems like a lot, but it costs (and pays out big time) to become the “Lion”!

I decided to price it so it’s in reach of ANYONE who is serious about growing their agency and getting premium clients, so I am going to price it at $2,500 - which is still a steal compared to a lot of these other $5800-$12k coaching packages to help you get clients.

But… even better news - since this is the PILOT round, my goal isn’t making money.  

My goal is getting incredible results, for a lot of committed agency owners like you.

So I’m ONLY charging a one time price of $497 for this whole entire program.

** JAW DROP ** I know, I know, way under priced… BUT, it won’t stay at this rate for long.

IN 2020, this program will more than double over time and probably end up being one of those $5-12k offers later on.

But RIGHT NOW, you have the opportunity to be part of the founding group of students for the Get Chatbot Clients Masterclass, and work with my directly to get more premium chatbot agency clients in record time. 

Reminder, here’s everything you get: 
The Get Chatbot Clients Masterclass (Value $997): 
To help you find the right niche, connect the right way, and close clients repeatedly with confidence.
Bonus #1: Client Acquisition Bot Template (Value $397): 
You can use this for your clients - but in this masterclass it’s all about using it for your own agency to get clients.  
Bonus #2: Easy Onboarding Method (Value $397):  
Onboarding is the most important part of closing a new client, because it sets you up to get success for that client and get them referring other people to you. Which is why I’m also going to help you ask the best onboarding questions to make sure your chatbot builds are incredible and start that referral frenzy..

Bonus #3: Sample Proposal ($197): 
Use this proven proposal in your client acquisition strategy to change potential clients into actual clients.
Bonus #4: Sample Statement of Work ($197): 
Like the Sample Proposal, use this proven Statement of Work document to show the value of your services to a potential client to get them to agree and sign as a new client!

All that for just $497, one time. I couldn’t make it more of a no brainer than that right?

Yes, all that has a total value of $2,185, and you’re getting it today for $497.

One time payment. One small investment. MAJOR transformations ahead…

From low ticket to high ticket.

From stress to fulfillment & peace of mind.

From cashflow problems to financial freedom.

Don’t just do it for your agency, do it for you and your family…

Imagine what having complete clarity on your prospecting & sales system would mean for you…

Less bouncing around to shiny objects,

Less income inconsistency,

Less stress at the end of every month when bills are due,

Less scrambling for results and being overwhelmed…

Less low paying clients...

Less bullshit, and more clarity so you can charge forward with your strategy confidently.

How does that sound?


Still a HECK YES? If so… Let’s get you started with the Get Chatbot Clients Masterclass ASAP! 

Coming into next year, you have a simple choice to make:

Keep doing things the way you’ve been doing them when it comes to your agency, and keep getting the same results


You can dive deep to identify the biggest roadblock to your future success, and become equipped to blast through it and add an EXTRA 6 figures to your business in 2020.

So what’s it gonna be - challenge yourself, step up, grow, and reap the rewards?

Or keep doing the same thing you’ve been doing, and getting the same results?

Everyone I talk to wants to get MORE out of their agency, and to be smarter about how they prospect and get clients, without working a lot more. 

I get it…

Consistent clients & sales is the dream, especially when they come at high rates!

But if you lack the infrastructure, strategy, mindset, and roadmap - that ain’t gonna happen.

Let’s turn you into a LION of a chatbot agency owner so you can finally thrive!

But This ALL Goes Away Very, Very Soon!

Once again, here’s everything that’s included:
The Get Chatbot Clients Masterclass (Value $997): 
To help you find the right niche, connect the right way, and close clients repeatedly with confidence.
Bonus #1: Client Acquisition Bot Template (Value $397): 
You can use this for your clients - but in this masterclass it’s all about using it for your own agency to get clients.  
Bonus #2: Easy Onboarding Method (Value $397):  
Onboarding is the most important part of closing a new client, because it sets you up to get success for that client and get them referring other people to you. Which is why I’m also going to help you ask the best onboarding questions to make sure your chatbot builds are incredible and start that referral frenzy..

Bonus #3: Sample Proposal ($197): 
Use this proven proposal in your client acquisition strategy to change potential clients into actual clients.
Bonus #4: Sample Statement of Work ($197): 
Like the Sample Proposal, use this proven Statement of Work document to show the value of your services to a potential client to get them to agree and sign as a new client!

ALL for a one time investment of just $497! 
(Will be $2,500+ later!)

Still not sure about this? I hear ya, there’s a lot of BS info floating around on “Get Clients” and “Grow Your Agency” - but here’s the deal, I’m actually out here doing it, AND teaching it.

My agency has clients in the double digits (both monthly recurring and one-off projects) and just from my agency, I made over $200,000 last year,

I grew my FB group of chatbot marketers to over 9,000 members, and trained over 300 people directly in my programs so they can grow their agencies too…

Don’t just take my word on it though, here’s a big stack of their success stories! 

"As far as I'm concerned, Mackensie Lieberman is the queen of messenger marketing. her guidance in all things messenger marketing gave me the knowledge and confidence i needed to start offering it as my primary service to clients. and my business is growing exponentially. i owe so much to her. especially closing my first 3 clients today! thank you Mackensie!" - John B.
"I have since transitioned my entire agency business entirely to messenger bots because of the amazing knowledge she has taught me. I love her course because its both bite sized pieces and in depth information so you can get that quick knowledge that you need!" - Abby W.
"I had 35 additional referrals in July. I have 207 appointments being booked within the next 45 days. Working with Mackensie is hands down the best decision I made for my business. I can't wait to unleash this to market for new clients! " - Kim H.
"Mackensie thank you for your restaurant bot training! I applied the same method and just signed my FIRST bot client at $397 a month! WOOHOO!" - Anil G.
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